Seeing the problem
Feelings of guilt doesn't just make us feel uncomfortable but it also makes us feel suspect to all aspects of life. For instance, going to apply for a job. Guilt from a previous job can ruin the hope to get pursue a new job. That is called negative energy. Negative energy is a thought or action that opens doors to things actually manifesting. When we speak positive over our lives we can have faith that it will happen. Saw off with negative energy. It lingers and drags us down.
Thankfully, prayer and affirmations can change that quickly for us. Prayer is a sure way to change any situation. Then believing what you asked for will come to light. All negative energy would then come to past.
Understanding Why?
As a mother I can get tempered quickly that is brewing negative energy. When I remain calm and revise the situation everyone can feel comfortable saying what needs to be said.
Road rage was one of my biggest test. I then began to see how silly I looked yelling in my car. I made some changes. I now leave earlier than usual and take my time driving. I used to be judgmental when it came to getting behind the wheel. Now I see it as an escape to clear my mind and refocus my thoughts and actions.
Realizing How?
Let's not forget about that job that annoys us. The long lines at the grocery store that holds us up. Emotionally these things can and will drain us. I like to sit and think about all the things I accomplished that day.
Spiritually I made it. Things were done because I didn't give up. I'd like to think we are all good at multitasking. There is no way around it. Shortcuts doesn't create a strong foundation.
Fixing the problem
Perseverance is tough to understand. We have all kinds of distractions to keep us from failing or succeeding. It's all about how you use them. Let's take a look at cellphones. We wouldn't distract ourselves while drinking but we can in a long line. Watching motivational podcast to help ease the frustrations.
A favorite song or playing a cool game. There are many outlets to deal with stress and guilt. If it's out of your control no need to put yourself in the guilt seat. We all are motivators. You are not I'm this alone. Have a moment to listen to one of my favorites?
Serenity Prayer
"God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference."