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Writer's pictureGemesha Anderson-Price

Healthy Ways to Replenish your Positive Energy!

Updated: Apr 6, 2023

We all have times when we feel alone, unpleased with life, lost, undecided, even trapped .

We each have an escape many of us rarely choose to realize and that is Salvation!

Being in tuned with the higher Power who gives us hope, faith, and willpower among a list of more pleasant feelings!

Getting up everyday choosing to make good decisions and connecting with our Lord is beneficial and what we need to survive.

His word and his voice is a guidance and an open map to his Kingdgom where our souls yearn to dwell.

He wants us to be humble and faithful as he is to us.

When we choose to lean in our own understaning we become double minded and easy to become a target for the negative draining.

Deciding to give God praise and worship as well as thanking him in advance our faith increases and we are resilient in the walk with him.

Being able to recognize unwanted vibes and energies.

Going boldly before thine enemies and taking a stand against that force.

One because it cannot move thee or shake your spirit!

Two, Our heavenly father has wralped his arms around us to protect our energy and replenished us to trust him to fight our battles!!!

Finally, Any situation we do not understand we still thank him He is Working in his timing. We can not rush our maker.

When we complain we fall into doubt. Then doubt turn into shame. Shame turn in to hurt.

Hurt turn into isolation. Isolation turn into depression!! I've been there and let me tell you its no way you want to be.

We must change our character to adjust to others. Showing Love even when it is not reciprocate or recognized.

Going above and beyond to heal. To inspire. Being a leader. An influencer. Someone that has a God piece and peace in the world.

Aligning our souls posture. Dedicating time and giving knowledge for nothing in return. Integrity and humility is a much needed topic to bring to light fully!

Pray for your leaders. Praying for each other. God will heal the land!

Turning the other cheek because the Lord said vegence is mine.

I personally am mantaining self worth, self healing, and self love, so that i may be able to have the same heart for his people.

Always remember God clings to the humble and resist the proud.

Being able to blog and get into meditation opens a higher trian of thought for me. Spilling whats on our heart show genuinely what we yearn for.

Choosing to be more like him show us his righteous on Earth.

They have been called to deliver his promises and fulfill vision and we must fulfill our purpose Only thru the Almighty!

Will you choose to worship and praise him with me?! Feel free to freelance write...I enjoy your feedback!


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